Only changelog. For obtain the installation contact our sales department Add: During creating actions, test messages can now be sent by pressing the Save & Send Test button Add: Added the ability to use the Dashboard and multigraphs as a selector of current value sources for XML export. Dashboards enable export for whole devices, Multigraph for individual sensors. Add: Permission groups support for XML exports Mod: New logging daemon with preparation for a new DB Mod: Modification of data backup and settings in WEBS2 - possibility of creating differential backups also on USB and FTP Fix: Incorrectly synchronized items in AresConf Fix: Fixed automatic user logout Fix: Fixed deletion of the last Team in SensDesk PRO versions Fix: Ability to rename the default demo Team for SensDesk PRO versions Fix: Editing of fixed IP parameters in WEBS2 Fix: System upgrade fix from version 2.1.2