IP Serial

Many simple IT devices offer only a serial interface for local data handling and capture. With IP serial converters, remote data capture and system control via Ethernet, both LAN and WAN networks, can be easily implemented.

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Serial Tx Pause for Eth/RS-232 converter

This application note describes how to pause the remote transmition of data on Ethernet/RS-232/485 converters. This functionality is necessarry if you need to send the output data over RS-232 in precisely defined packets. This way you can ensure the precise timing on the serial port output.

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I/O Controller - connecting relay to 230V AC

I/O Controller can read states of digital inputs and control 8 outputs over network. Inputs and outputs are designed for low voltage up to 50V. This application note describes how to connect relay to I/O Controller. You can control 230V AC (110) device over external relay or detect voltage over switching contact of 230V AC relay.

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