Devices overview - All Devices

The HW group product portfolio includes three major domains: Environmental, system and process monitoring devices; technology for IP based serial interface system control and data logging and Access Systems.

Standalone Monitoring

IoT Monitoring

  • NB-2x1Wire

    4 external RJ11 sensors values to the portal (Temperature, Relative Humidity, Current, ...). Internal battery, NB-IoT cellular network connectivity, portal required.

  • NB-2xIn

    2x DI (Digital Input) for external door / smoke detectors. Internal battery, NB-IoT cellular network connectivity, portal required.

  • NB-2xOut

    2x DO (Relay Output) controlled from the portal. Internal battery, NB-IoT cellular network connectivity, portal required.

  • NB-WLD

    1x Water Leak Detection zone (sensing cable) to the portal. Internal battery, NB-IoT cellular network connectivity, portal required.

  • SD 4-20mA

    1x AI (Analog Input) for external 4-20mA / 0-20mA probes. LAN and WiFi connectivity, IoT Monitoring unit (Portal required).

  • SD-2x1Wire

    4 external RJ11 sensors values to the portal (Temperature, Humidity, Voltage, and many others). LAN and WiFi connectivity, IoT Monitoring unit (Portal required).

  • SD-2xIn

    2x DI (Digital Input) for external door / smoke detectors, S0 counters. LAN and WiFi connectivity, IoT Monitoring unit (Portal required).

  • SD-2xOut

    2x DO (Relay Output) controlled from the portal. LAN and WiFi connectivity, IoT Monitoring unit (Portal required).

  • SD-WLD

    1x Water Leak Detection zone (sensing cable) to the portal. LAN and WiFi connectivity, IoT Monitoring unit (Portal required).

IP serial


  • HWg-SH4

    An access system for opening any kind of electromagnetic lock with any RFID reader.

  • HWg-SH4e

    The HWg-SH4e a door unlocker subordinated to the HWg-SH4 unit. HWg-SH4e unit opens two electromagnetic locks.

    Product run-out

  • HWg-SH4s

    The HWg-SH4s a door unlocker subordinated to the HWg-SH4 unit. HWg-SH4s unit opens one electromagnetic lock.

    Product run-out